Friday, March 14, 2008

I heart Target!

I'm officially coming out of the closet:I am in love with Target!

I'm sure if I perused the blogging community, I'd find a 'Target Obsession Anonymous' or 'Target Lovers Unite' group. *mental note: search for said groups!* When balancing our online bank account, the hubby is constantly making comments like, "We need to own stock in Target," or, "Why are there 20 items on this receipt that cost a dollar?!" I can't help myself! If Target were a food; I'd eat it. If it were a song; I'd sing it. Seriously, moms, what did those frontier women do without Tar-zhay? It is a haven for the bored house frau, a kiddie playground on rainy days, a 5-star restaurant for picky toddlers and a one-stop birthday shopping extravaganza!

Here is something I picked up today (go get yours, you ladies of the 80s!):

Do you remember the paint with water books? I LOOVED these growing up and as a mom to a very artsy Goofy-lover, I'm so excited that there will be no messy paint to get on the dining table. Basically the "paint" consists of little colored dots on the page that take on watercolor form when you add a wet paintbrush! Genius, I tell you! (A mom invented these, I'm SURE!)


Jenna Harris said...

I LOOOOOOOVE Target! I have a "need" to shop there at least weekly.

I love that I can pick up a wedding gift, gallon of milk, Lindt chocolates, a toy for my prize box and an outfit for somebody all at the same place.

Very cute blog, by the way.

I'm a 31-year-old mom with 5 kids 8 and under. If you'd like to visit another Target loving mom blog you can find me at

Oh, and happy partying--it's the last day!

Anonymous said...

Since we moved from Missouri, I haven;t even seen a Target store. All I see here is Walmart.

My 4 year old loves those paint with water books. So do I - no mess!

Karen Erickson said...

I heart Target so much that certain employees at the one I frequent the most recognize me! That's sad. LOL

But I don't care. It's the best store evah. I see something cool in the Pottery Barn catalog let's say and I think, "Hmm I bet Target will have it for less in 6 months." And they usually do!

Let's start a I heart Target group. I know others who will join. :)

Anonymous said...

welcome to the Mommies United Launch Party! Don't forget to make a party post!

Thanks for joining the party! The scavenger hunt questions are up! Happy Hunting!

Anonymous said...

Found you at the Mommies United Party! Just saying, "Hi!" and come party with me! :)

Natalie said...

oooooh....i used to love those books! i must go get some!!! thanks!